About Author

About Author
I grew up in Gorleston-on-Sea and was educated at Great Yarmouth Grammar School for Girls. From there I moved to Cambridge – where I trained as a nurse at Addenbrooke’s Hospital. I worked for several years as a community district nurse prior to having my three wonderful children – who in turn now enjoy successful careers and have delightful families of their own.
It was when my own children were young that my stories were first published – both for children and adults. I have contributed towards many annuals and periodicals over the years – always remaining encouraged by the reader’s positive response.
As my own children became older I digressed into the teaching profession, giving tuition in both special needs education and classical guitar – whilst still maintaining my interest in freelance writing. I also organised and participated in many lute and guitar concerts – at that time being a member of a well-known ‘Lute and Guitar Consort’.
I now spend my time between picturesque Bedfordshire and rural Norfolk – two differing counties which I love and appreciate equally. Both counties offer so much diversity – there are always many interesting and unique places to visit and explore.
It is my firm belief that although it is imperative for children to embrace all modern technology – there should always be time made in their lives for the enjoyment of books. They are a vital part of any child’s development – whether it’s for educational use or the pure joy of being absorbed in a fictional story. In these modern times – when the pace of life continues to accelerate at an ever increasing speed – there should always remain a special place in all of our lives to just quietly sit, read and enjoy.
About Books
Jack and Bessie by the Coast
From the popular author of children’s literature, including periodicals and annuals, comes this light-hearted fiction for children. Wonderfully illustrated six captivating and humorous stories of two children – Jack and Bessie and their sea-side adventures.
Whereas it is vital that children encompass today’s modern technology, they should also be taught to appreciate and respect the wonder of books – whether it be for educational use or for the pure joy of absorbing themselves in a fictional story.
Marsh End Manor
The family has always taken their holidays in the same cottage in rural Norfolk –which Josh and Jessie usually find extremely uneventful and boring. Upon arrival, they take Alfie the dog for a walk towards a derelict manor house that has a rather dubious history. Josh finds himself being drawn into the past and his journey leads to him discovering a web of deceit, fraudulence, and dishonesty – both past and present. He is determined to discover undisclosed truths and restore the manor to being a place worthy of respect and success.
Tales from the Broads
The Broads are a beautiful area of man-made waterways and have become a very popular holiday destination. They were first formed in the twelfth century when people dug out pits to find peat which was used as fuel for fires. Gradually, as sea levels rose, the pits began to fill with water, creating a unique network of rivers. There is an abundance of wildlife to be found on the Broads – all working together to maintain a successful eco-system. Swans, geese, herons, kingfishers, bitterns, beavers, otters, water voles and many more all live in perfect harmony. There are several different types of fish to be seen in the cool, clear waters and colourful butterflies adorn the many sweet-smelling flowers in the summertime. Tall bulrushes and reeds frequently line the river banks, as do picturesque holiday homes, often with their own moorings. The following tales tell us about some of the adventures of the Broads wildlife – read on to find out more about their unusual and exciting escapades!

Jack and Bessie by the Coast
From the popular author of children’s literature, including periodicals and annuals, comes this light-hearted fiction for children
Wonderfully illustrated six captivating and humorous stories of two children – Jack and Bessie and their sea-side adventures.
Whereas it is vital that children encompass today’s modern technology, they should also be taught to appreciate and respect the wonder of books – whether it be for educational use or for the pure joy of absorbing themselves in a fictional story.

Marsh End Manor
The family has always taken their holidays in the same cottage in rural Norfolk –which Josh and Jessie usually find extremely uneventful and boring. Upon arrival, they take Alfie the dog for a walk towards a derelict manor house that has a rather dubious history. Josh finds himself being drawn into the past and his journey leads to him discovering a web of deceit, fraudulence, and dishonesty – both past and present. He is determined to discover undisclosed truths and restore the manor to being a place worthy of respect and success.

Tales from the Broads
The Broads are a beautiful area of man-made waterways and have become a very popular holiday destination. They were first formed in the twelfth century when people dug out pits to find peat which was used as fuel for fires. Gradually, as sea levels rose, the pits began to fill with water, creating a unique network of rivers. There is an abundance of wildlife to be found on the Broads – all working together to maintain a successful eco-system. Swans, geese, herons, kingfishers, bitterns, beavers, otters, water voles and many more all live in perfect harmony. There are several different types of fish to be seen in the cool, clear waters and colorful butterflies adorn the many sweet-smelling flowers in the summertime. Tall bulrushes and reeds frequently line the river banks, as do picturesque holiday homes, often with their own moorings. The following tales tell us about some of the adventures of the Broads wildlife – read on to find out more about their unusual and exciting escapades!
About Books

Jack and Bessie by the Coast
From the popular author of children’s literature, including periodicals and annuals, comes this light-hearted fiction for children. Wonderfully illustrated six captivating and humorous stories of two children – Jack and Bessie and their sea-side adventures.
Whereas it is vital that children encompass today’s modern technology, they should also be taught to appreciate and respect the wonder of books – whether it be for educational use or for the pure joy of absorbing themselves in a fictional story.
Marsh End Manor
The family has always taken their holidays in the same cottage in rural Norfolk –which Josh and Jessie usually find extremely uneventful and boring. Upon arrival, they take Alfie the dog for a walk towards a derelict manor house that has a rather dubious history. Josh finds himself being drawn into the past and his journey leads to him discovering a web of deceit, fraudulence, and dishonesty – both past and present. He is determined to discover undisclosed truths and restore the manor to being a place worthy of respect and success.

Marsh End Manor
The family has always taken their holidays in the same cottage in rural Norfolk –which Josh and Jessie usually find extremely uneventful and boring. Upon arrival, they take Alfie the dog for a walk towards a derelict manor house that has a rather dubious history. Josh finds himself being drawn into the past and his journey leads to him discovering a web of deceit, fraudulence, and dishonesty – both past and present. He is determined to discover undisclosed truths and restore the manor to being a place worthy of respect and success.

Tales from the Broads
The Broads are a beautiful area of man-made waterways and have become a very popular holiday destination. They were first formed in the twelfth century when people dug out pits to find peat which was used as fuel for fires. Gradually, as sea levels rose, the pits began to fill with water, creating a unique network of rivers. There is an abundance of wildlife to be found on the Broads – all working together to maintain a successful eco-system. Swans, geese, herons, kingfishers, bitterns, beavers, otters, water voles and many more all live in perfect harmony. There are several different types of fish to be seen in the cool, clear waters and colourful butterflies adorn the many sweet-smelling flowers in the summertime. Tall bulrushes and reeds frequently line the river banks, as do picturesque holiday homes, often with their own moorings. The following tales tell us about some of the adventures of the Broads wildlife – read on to find out more about their unusual and exciting escapades!
Books Illustrations
Jack and Bessie by the Coast
Happy Stories

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Evelyn Jimenez

Debra Peters

Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi.